Food & Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups daily, in the recommended amounts.

Pre-processing Methods in Chest X-ray Image Classification

Beets are quite possibly the most nutritious root vegetable accessible, pressing a lot of fiber, folate, and manganese into each…

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Role of Innovation and Technology in Changing Nutritional Care

Beets are quite possibly the most nutritious root vegetable accessible, pressing a lot of fiber, folate, and manganese into each…

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Pre-processing Methods in Chest X-ray Image Classification

Root vegetables are often featured as a side dish, but you can prepare them in…

Role of Innovation and Technology in Changing Nutritional Care

Root vegetables are often featured as a side dish, but you can prepare them in…

Impact of Food Tech and Innovation on Nutrition and Health

Root vegetables are often featured as a side dish, but you can prepare them in…

Latest Digital Technologies Fuel New Discoveries in Nutrition

Root vegetables are often featured as a side dish, but you can prepare them in…

Insight on Current Advances in Food Science and Technology

Root vegetables are often featured as a side dish, but you can prepare them in…